On this page you will be able to purchase the evangelism books written by 

Austin Baxter.  Each book includes £2.50 postage and packing. We also offer discounts when you purchase FIVE books or more.

We pray God uses you to bring souls into his kingdom through these book

One-to-One Evangelism


One-to-one Evangelism is sharing your Faith with another person.  It is one of the most successful methods of evangelism, and a key to Church growth.   However many Christians lack the confidence and skills to share their Faith.  In this book Austin Baxter, an experienced Evangelist, teaches you the skills and knowledge to witness to anyone on a one-to-one basis.  Through this book, you will learn the skills and knowledge to become an effective and powerful witness for Christ.  This book has been used to train up hundreds of Christians in Evangelism throughout the United Kingdom.  Many who have read this book, have become bold effective witnesses for Christ.  The book is divided into four main chapters that cover: What is One-to-One Evangelism, Preparation for Evangelism, How to Effectively Share the Gospel Using the Law of God and, How to Follow up and Disciple new believers.

Paperback 81 - A5 Pages

ISBN:  978-0-9547515-6-2

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2014

Price: £7.00 +£2.50 postage and packing

 Basic Apologetics for Evangelism  - Helping People Find God


Apologetics is the rational, intellectual defense of the Christian Faith. The Bible exhorts us to be ready to give a defense “apologia” for the hope (faith) that we have within us (1 Peter 3:15). Today in our nation, Christianity is under severe attack from secularists, atheists and people of other faiths. Christians and churches find themselves facing opposition about their beliefs in a society that rejects the concept of truth and absolute moral values. Secular Humanism has become the dominant worldview in our culture; the basis of all important political and moral decision-making. Christians are being pressured to abandon their beliefs and conform to a humanist worldview. Unfortunately many churches and Christians do not know how to respond to this opposition and some of them have compromised and even abandoned their Faith. Many of our Christian youth have serious questions and doubts about Christianity because they have been exposed to arguments against it at secular colleges and universities. Unless these questions are dealt with, many of our young people will lose their Faith (Colossians 2:8). Secular Humanism is invading the hearts and minds of the people of God, undermining the very foundations of their Faith. The biblical antidote to combat this insidious attack is Apologetics, the defense of the Christian Faith (1 Peter 3:15). In this book, Austin examines several reasons why every Church needs to have an Apologetics Programme, to teach their young people and congregations how to defend their faith. In this book he examines what Apologetics is and then gives a brief history of the subject. He examines several important reasons why all churches and Christians must engage in Apologetics in today’s spiritual environment. Churches must do Apologetics because Christianity is a religion of the mind as well as the heart (Mark 12:30). In the scriptures, Christians are exhorted to love the Lord their God with their heart, soul, mind and strength (Deuteronomy 6:5, Mark 12:30). Churches must do Apologetics because their congregations are under attack and a failure to recognise and combat it will mean some Christians will lose their Faith. Churches must do Apologetics so that they can begin to combat the false philosophies and worldviews that are seeking to dominate our society. In the final chapters of the book, Austin discusses practical steps that Pastors and Church Leaders can do to begin to implement Apologetics Programmes in their churches.

Paperback 92 - A5 Pages

ISBN: 978-0-9928169-3-3

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2014

Price: £7.00 +£2.50 postage and packing

Power Evangelism - Releasing the Anointing in Evangelism

by Austin Baxter

"Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost has come upon you and ye shall be witnesses..."(Acts 1:8). Jesus told us that spiritual power was available to us to do evangelism in the person of the Holy Spirit. To be effective witnesses for Christ we must not only people about Him, we must demonstrate the reality of Him through signs and wonders(Mark 16:15-18). In this book Power Evangelism Austin teaches about the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to release them in evangelism. In the this book Austin teaches on the Healing Ministry and how to pray for the sick whilst witnessing to them. There are many religions and worldviews out there contending for the minds and hearts of men and women. If the Church is to impact society it must not only proclaim the Gospel but demonstrate the Gospel through signs and wonders. This book is full of valuable information and exercises that teaches Christians how to do this.

Paperback 80 - A5 Pages

ISBN: 978-0992816940 

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2014

Price: £7.00 + £2.50 postage and packing

Strategic Evangelism - Advancing the Kingdom of God in our communities and cities


God is a God of strategy.  In the Old Testament He gave specific instructions to Moses, Joshua and David on how to win battles and take territory (Genesis 3:15, Exodus 3-4, 11:1, 14:1-31, 17:8-16, Joshua 6:1-27, 8:1-23, 1 Samuel 30:8-21, 2 Samuel 5:17-25). In the New Testament Jesus gave instructions to His disciples and apostles on how and where to evangelise (Matthew 10:1-16, 28:16-20, Mark 16:15-20, Luke 10:1-11, 24:45-53, Acts 1:4-8, 8:26-40, 10:1-48, 16:6, 9:15, 23:11, Romans 15:19). The last instructions Jesus gave to the Church before He ascended into Heaven, was to preach the Gospel to every creature and disciple nations (Mark 16:16-18, Matthew 28:19-20).  This is more than just handing out tracts on a Saturday.  It requires prayer, thought and a divine strategy.  Unfortunately few churches have evangelism strategies to take their cities for God.  In this book Austin looks at some biblical strategies churches can begin to develop to impact their cities.  He discusses the evangelism strategy Jesus gave to the early church in Acts 1:8, and how churches can begin to implement it.  In later chapters, he examines other biblical strategies.  He discusses Evangelism Outreach Programmes; how churches can plan successful social and practical projects to reach their communities with the Gospel.  He then looks at Revival Evangelism; he defines what Revival is and how churches can prepare themselves for an outpouring of God’s Spirit in their congregations and communities. In the last chapters of the book, Austin considers how Christians can begin to change their city by reaching its Seven Mountains of cultural influence.

Paperback 100 - A5 Pages

ISBN: 978-0-9928169-8-8

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2014

Price: £7.00 +£2.50 postage and packing

The Cost to the Church of Neglecting The Great Commission


We are living in a nation that has abandoned its Christian heritage, morals and standards.  Society is crying out for solutions and answers to its major problems and ills.  The only solution is the gospel of Jesus Christ.  However this Gospel cannot be released until the Church begins to preach it to its communities and cities.  Yet few Churches take evangelism seriously, many of them do not do it at all.  In this booklet, Austin Baxter discusses what happens to Churches when they fail to evangelise.   He argues that they lose their purpose and vision in the Earth; secondly they lose the communities and cities God has given them and; thirdly they begin to lose the power and presence of the Holy Spirit.  Only through repentance and turning back to the Great Commission can these negative effects be reversed.

Austin ministers under a powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit.  He has a passion for Revival and God has used him to preach the Gospel on streets, crusades and on Radio.  Many have given their hearts to the Lord, been healed and set free as they experienced the power of God through His ministry.  He is an anointed bible teacher and has written books which have sold throughout Christian bookshops in the UK and been distributed in Africa.

Paperback 21 - A5 Pages

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2014

Price: £2.50  + £1.50 postage and packing

Evangelism Outreach to Men - Reclaiming Men Back into the Church


In this booklet, Austin examines the often undiscussed issue  of the lack of men in our Churches.  We have a serious problem within Christianity and the Church with the shortage of men.   Studies show that non-believing men do not want to go to a Christian church, or do not attend most of their church functions and activities.  The problem is so serious that research on the subject suggests that if this trend continues, by 2030 we will have no men in our churches!  Women make up the vast majority of church congregations throughout the United Kingdom and play a vital role in the life of the churches.  However, studies show that churches grow when there are a lot of men in them.  Why do we have this problem within Christianity alone?  Other world religions do not have this gender imbalance in their congregations.

In this booklet, Austin examines this problem and looks at four reasons why men do not go to church.  The sad fact is that many men feel that Christianity and the church have become feminised ,and its traditional masculine character and vision has been rejected.  Many men do not go to church because they feel Churches are comfortable  because they present a 'feminised' Christianity and church atmosphere.  Austin examines several changes that churches can make to address this problem and reclaim men back into church.  He discusses some things we can do to make our churches more appealing to men.  In the last chapter, he talks about how we can evangelise men and present Christianity and a church that affirms their masculinity.

Pamphlet 35 - A5 Pages

ISBN: 978-0-9928169-7-1

Publisher: Spirit of Revival Evangelism 2016

Price: £2.50+£1.50 postage and packing